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nuclear fuel (促進原子核連鎖反應的)核燃料。

nuclear fusion

Nuclear energy . nuclear fuel technology - waste . assessment of radionuclides by non destructive measurement of radionuclide travers 核能.核燃料技術廢物.通過對放射性核素遷移的無損測量評定放射性核素

Nuclear energy - nuclear fuel technology - waste - tritium releasing assay in tritiated waste packages by ionization chamber 核能.核燃料技術.廢料.用電離室法對氚化廢料包裝中氚的釋放性的檢驗

Nuclear energy - nuclear fuel technology - waste - thermal reactivity assessment of bituminized waste by microcalorimetry 核能.核燃料技術.廢料.用微量熱法對瀝青固化廢物進行熱反應性評定

Hanford has the most complex hot refuse : it consists of a mix of wastes from many nuclear fuel reprocessing projects 漢福處理的核子廢料最復雜,有許多核子燃料再生計畫的廢料混合在一起。

Determination of metallic impurities in nuclear fuels by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma excitation 用耦合等離子激發感應光學發射光譜法測定核燃料中的

Producing or possessing nuclear fuel in accordance with any of the following conditions is exempted from the license 但所生產或持有之核子燃料合于左列情形之一者,免請發執照。

Nuclear fuel technology - determination of uranium in reprocessing - plant dissolver solution - liquid chromatography method 核燃料技術.預處理廠溶解器溶液中鈾的測定.液相色譜法

Decay heat power in nuclear fuels of high - temperature reactors with spherical fuel elements ; documentation and illustration 帶球狀燃料元件的高溫反應堆的核燃料衰變熱力的計算

Standard guide for establishing calibration for a measurement method used to analyze nuclear fuel cycle materials 用于分析核燃料循環材料的測量方法用校準方法的確定的標準指南

Davies determination of the uranium content of nuclear fuels ; potentiometric method based on the modified davies and gray method 核燃料中軸含量的測量.以改進的戴維斯-格雷法

Decay heat power in nuclear fuels of light water reactors ; non - recycled nuclear fuels ; documentation and illustration 輕水反應堆核燃料衰變熱功率的計算.不回燒的核燃料

Regulations for monitoring radioactivity in effluents from uranium processing and nuclear fuel fabrication facilities 鈾加工及核燃料制造設施流出物的放射性活度監測規定

Transfering nuclear fuel which is exempted from license does not require the approval of the atomic energy counci1 但免請發執照者,其移轉庸報經原子能委員會之核準。

Standard guide for preparation of working reference materials for use in the analysis of nuclear fuel cycle materials 核燃料循環材料分析用操作參考材料制備的標準指南

Determination of the solubility of plutonium from unirradiated mixed oxide nuclear fuels in nitric acid 無放射性混合氧化物核燃料的钚在硝酸中溶解度的測定

Standard guide for corrosion testing of aluminum - based spent nuclear fuel in support of repository disposal 維護容器清理用鋁基廢核燃料腐蝕檢驗的標準導則

Standard guide for qualification of laboratory analysts for the analysis of nuclear fuel cycle materials 核燃料循環材料分析用實驗室分析法的鑒定標準指南

Comparison of probabilistic safety assessment methodologies for nuclear fuel reprocessing and nuclear power plants 事故風險評價與風險管理模式研究

Determination of the u isotopic content in uranium containing nuclear fuel solutions by spectrometry 光譜分析測定含鈾核燃料溶液中鈾235同位素含量